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From Mine to Jewelry- The Journey of a Natural Gemstone

From Mine to Jewelry

A natural gemstone is a mineral or organic material formed through natural processes within the earth’s crust. Examples include diamond, sapphire, ruby, emerald, opal, amethyst, etc. They are highly valued for their unique properties, rarity, and connection to nature.

For centuries, natural gemstones have been treasured for their representation as symbols of love, success, friendship, protection, etc. There are so many gemstones and each of them are incorporated in cultures around the world, making them highly significant.

Nowadays, these natural stones are incorporated in jewelry designs, making fashion and beauty more sophisticated. Thanks to advancement in technology, hard-to-reach gemstones like diamonds, sapphire, ruby, and emerald are becoming less rare, adding to the variety and options available.

Let’s go on the journey of how gemstones are discovered, mined, cleaned, up to how they are transformed into exquisite pieces of jewelry.

Finding Gemstones

Key factors to be discussed are how gemstones are formed, the challenges of extracting them, and the types of mining methods used for extraction.

How Are Gemstones Formed?

Gemstones are obtained from rocks, which are made of minerals that are bonded together to form a crystalline structure. With the right mix of ingredients and atmospheric exposure (like time, temperature, pressure, and space), the crystalline structure forms into a gemstone. These factors also determine the quality of the gemstone.

Major rocks where gemstones can be found are:

  • Igneous Rock: This type of rock has minerals that are bonded by extreme heat and pressure. They house some of the most valuable gemstones in the world, such as diamonds. Other types of gemstones found in igneous rocks are amethyst, citrine, garnets, topaz, zircon, and moonstones.
  • Metamorphic Rock: This type of rock has minerals that are bonded by intense heat and pressure generated by tectonic plate movement. They house beautiful and colorful gemstones like jade, lapis lazuli, sapphire, zircon, and turquoise.
  • Sedimentary Rock: These types of rock are the closest to the feet with water, rich in minerals flowing below the earth surface. The rocks trap the minerals, allowing heat and pressure to transform them into gemstones. Some of the gemstones found in this rocks are jasper, opal, zircon, and malachite.

Challenges of Extracting Gemstones

Extracting gemstones is not as simple as it might seem. The process is influenced by some factors, which includes:

  • Geological Complexity: Gemstones are often located in remote or inaccessible areas, making it difficult for extraction. To do this, a large amount of investment in terms of infrastructure and logistics will be dedicated to the process. Also, the deposits are usually found within hard rock formations, requiring the use of cutting-edge machinery and specialized mining methods.
  • Mining Methods: Different mining methods are used for extracting various gemstones. For example, underground or open cast mining is often used to extract diamonds. On the other hand, colored gemstones require the combination of various mining methods like open cast, tunneling, and sea mining. Each method is plagued with its problems, such as varying labor intensive processes and advanced machinery.
  • Environmental Impact: Large scale mining activities is one of the causes of natural resources depletion, resulting in habitat destruction, erosion, and water pollution. The extraction process is also involved with the use of harsh chemicals and improper waste management, which further deplete the ecosystem.

Types of Mining Methods

There are different types of mining methods and their usage is being determined mainly by the condition of the earth and the gemstone to be mined.

  1. Underground Mining

This means extracting minerals and gemstones that are deep under the earth crust. It involves digging a series of tunnels or shafts to reach the minerals and gemstones, before they are brought to the earth’s surface. This mining method can be achieved through:

  • Tunneling: Used when there is a rock near the earth’ surface that has a gemstone. When the rock is located, a tunnel is created, and the gemstone is extracted by blasting the area or using a pickaxe. This technique is commonly used to extract emeralds.
  • Chambering: Used when there is a sign of mineral or gemstone showing on the earth’s surface. For extraction, a vertical shaft is dug into the earth near the sign, then tunnels are created at the sides. Once contact is made with the mineral or gemstone, it’s blasted to loosen its grip with the rock.
  • Block Caving: Involves the use of a shaft to locate the rock housing the gemstone that’s to be extracted. After that, parallel tunnels are dug underneath the rock to allow entry for miners and equipment. Then, the rock is fragmented by blasting or mechanical methods, which creates a caving zone. The weight causes the rock to collapse, hence the gemstone can be transported to the earth surface. It’s often used for diamond extraction.
  1. Open Cast Mining

This is the regular mining method people think of when they imagine diamond or gemstone mining. It is used when there are gemstones near the earth surface and the soil covering them is quite little.

Basically, it involves digging a large, wide pit to extract the gemstone in the area. Tunnels are created and the sides are blasted at an angle less than vertical, so that the rock won’t fall and to stabilize the pit size.

Open cast mining has some effects on the environment and can leave the creation of large pits or water-logged areas. Hence, the area must undergo rehabilitation after the mining operation is completed. Afterwards, these lands are repurposed into wetland areas or recreational parks.

  1. River Digging

Most colorful gemstones, such as opal, amethyst, rubies, topaz, and garnets are often located in lakes and riverbeds. River digging involves two different techniques, which are:

  • Wet Digging: Also referred to as panning, this technique involves collecting sediment and small rocks from rivers or lake sides. The sediment or small rock is washed and shaken in the pan, which allows the heaviest pieces to settle in the pan’s bottom. Then, gemstones can be extracted from the pan.
  • Dry Digging: Involves blocking the flow of water at both ends of a river using dams. This allows for digging in the dry areas to extract gemstones.
  1. Sea Mining

This mining method is either done on beaches or deep in the sea. It involves the use of heavy equipment and hydraulics to collect gemstones from the sea floor.  Then, the stones are transported to the water surface through a hydraulic suction system or a conveyor belt that links from the bottom of the sea to the top. However, this method is very expensive and is commonly used for extracting diamonds.

Other techniques of sea mining include using fishing nets, and this is commonly used for collecting pearl and amber.

Sorting and Cleaning

Key factors to be discussed are how gemstones are sorted from the earth’s materials, the cleaning process, and the tools and equipment used in sorting and cleaning.

How Are Gemstones Sorted from the Earth’s Materials?

After gemstones are mined, they are sorted to separate them from the earth’s materials surrounding them. Explained below are how this is done:

  • Crushing and Grinding: When the gemstone is originally mined, it’s known as “rough ore or raw ore”. It is crushed into smaller pieces and ground to a finer consistency. This is done to break down the host material and expose the gemstone inside.
  • Sieving and Screening: The crushed ore is sieved and screened to separate the gemstones based on their sizes. While the smaller pieces are successfully sieved, the larger pieces are retained.
  • Sorting by Gemologists: Skilled workers or trained gemologists may be employed to professionally group the gemstones in different categories, like quality, clarity, color, etc. This guarantees that only the best gemstones are further processed.

Cleaning Process

Once the gemstones are completely sorted, they are cleaned to remove debris, dirt, and impurities that may be on them. The cleaning process often include:

  • Washing: The gemstones are softly washed with water or mild cleaning solutions to the contaminants attached to their surface. For delicate gemstones, soft brushes or ultrasonic cleaners are used.
  • Soaking: Depending on the grip of dirt on the gemstones, they might have to be soaked in a mild cleaning solution for a few minutes.  The duration this will take is dependent on the type of gemstone and the nature of the dirt.
  • Rinsing: After washing and soaking, the gemstones are rinsed thoroughly in clean water to cleanse them of the cleaning solution and any remaining dirt.
  • Drying: The gemstones are either dried with soft, clean clothes or air-dried. The cloth used must be void of any sharp object that may damage or scratch the stones.

Tools and Equipment Used for Gemstones Sorting and Cleaning

  • Screens or sieves
  • Tweezers or sorting trays
  • Soft brushes
  • Ultrasonic cleaners
  • Mild cleaning solution
  • Soft clothes
  • Air compressors or blowers

Cutting and Polishing

Key factors to be discussed are the types of shapes gemstones can be cut to, the process of cutting and polishing gemstones, how to ensure maximum brilliance, and several cutting shapes that are of special effects.

Types of Gemstones Cut

Gemstone cutting is the process of configuring a rough gemstone into a desired shape and size in order to enhance its beauty, clarity, and color. It requires a great deal of skill and knowledge.

A professional gem cutter with experience can make different cut, such as:

  • Brilliant Cut

This is among the popular and classic gem cuts, and it is sometimes called “round brilliant” because of its circular shape. Brilliant cut has the ability to capture and disperse light more than any other cut, which is why its luster and shine is like no other. This cut style is timeless and ideal for a traditional look. It’s commonly used with diamonds and sapphire.

The Brilliant Cut has a total of 58 facets, 33 on the top part of the gemstone, 24 at the bottom, and a flat facet at the bottom point.

  • Princess Cut

This is among the popular cuts used in the modern world. It’s a square cut that has four sides of equal length. The sides are cut at an angle, making the gemstone appear to be round but have sharp lines of a square shape. This cut was designed to show the brilliance and fire of a diamond gemstone, which makes it luster and shine more than other types of cuts. However, it is versatile and can be used for other types of gemstones.

One of the unique features of this cut is that it allows for more of the gemstone beauty to show. The Princess cut is a suitable option for people who want a square-shaped cut that’s classic and modern at the same time. Also, it’s a suitable option for people who like to show off their stone’s sparkle and brilliance while evolving with trends.

  • Cushion Cut

Also referred to as “pillow cut”, this is a beautiful cut that can be used for many gemstones (precious and semi-precious gemstones). This style has been around for centuries and is popularly known for its rounded corners, large facets, and deep pavilion.

The Cushion cut gemstone has 58 facets, which consist of larger and smaller facets that blend together for a sparkly look. Because of the facet sizes, this cut style tends to disperse light, making them appear brighter. This cut style is perfect for people who want both a modern and classic look.

  • Emerald Cut

This is an angular cut with stepped facets in a rectangular shape. The edges of the gemstone are cut off in a diagonal line, making it have a unique look. The emerald cut, while more modern than most cut styles, has become incredibly popular in a few years.

Having a couple of angular cuts, this cut style requires great precision and skill to be properly aligned. It is often used for precious stones like emeralds, sapphires, and rubies. Also, this cut style offers more sparkle and shine than some other cuts, which makes it perfect for people looking for a less flashy but stunning appearance.

  • Asscher Cut

The Asscher cut is a very popular cut style among diamond lovers because of its unique shape and line pattern. It is quite similar to emerald cut, but it has an octagon shape, larger step facets, and a deeper pavilion, which makes the diamond shine brighter.

The corners of the Asscher cut are cropped to make the diamond look square or rectangular, depending on the width and length ratio. It’s a beautiful and captivating cut that stands out in the crowd. This is a perfect selection for people looking for a unique and stylish appearance.

  • Rose Cut

This is a classic cut that features a flat face and domed top, as well as triangular facets all around the dome. Oftentimes, this cut style is used for smaller gemstones like diamonds and rubies. The Rose Cut can also be used to create antique-style jewelry. Generally, it enhances the gemstone clarity.

The Rose cut is inexpensive, making it more affordable than other cut styles. So this is a perfect option for people who are looking for a stunning cut style that’s economical.

  • Trillion Cut

This is a distinct cut style with a triangular shape and three rounded sides. It disperses light in a unique way that emphasizes its clarity and brilliance. It is often used for colored gemstones like aquamarine, sapphire, rubies, tourmaline, and tanzanite.

Depending on the size of the gemstone, the Trillion can be made into 16-32 facets, and the cuts are usually symmetrical. Its unique triangular shape gives a modern feel, and symbolizes balance and harmony. Also, it serves as a great option for center stones in engagement rings or pendants.

  • Radiant Cut

This is a popular, modern cut style and it has a peculiar geometry that blends with any type of gemstone. Radiant cut has 70 facets with a rectangular and triangular shape that disperses light from every angle. It is commonly used on fancy-colored diamonds, as well as other gemstones like sapphires and rubies.

The Radiant cut is largely known for its ability to maximize the brilliance and luster of gemstones. Its unique design makes it versatile, allowing it to be used with different shapes and sizes of jewelry. This is an excellent option for people who want an extra sparkle on their gemstone.

  • Baguette Cut

This is a simple, highly-valued cut that looks like a rectangular bar. It’s one of the popular cuts used for diamonds, but can be used on other gemstones like rubies, sapphires, emeralds, tourmalines, and aquamarines. The Baguette cut features sharp edges and facets that contribute to the brilliance and elegance of the stone.

The Baguette cut style has been used in many classic designs and is still popularly used today. It serves as an opportunity to make a fashionable statement without spending too much. This is a great option for people looking for modern and sleek cut designs.

  • Marquise Cut

Also called the “Navette”, this is a boat-shaped gemstone cut that has pointed ends. It has an elongated shape, giving it a flattering look on the finger, and it can make the gemstone look larger than its actual carat weight. This cut style is a great option for a luxurious and eye-catching engagement ring.

However, selecting a Marquise cut style comes with paying attention to the length and width ratio. Also, check the symmetry quality. And the two ends must be symmetrical and mirror each other when viewed.

  • Scissor Cut

Just as the name suggests, scissor cuts have criss-crossed blades that look like scissors. It’s a step cut that’s similar to Emerald and Asscher cuts, but it’s more reflective than them. A Scissor cut makes darker gemstones appear deeper and bolder. This cut style uniqueness enhances the brilliance of gemstones, making them look extra special.

The Scissor cut style creates a more intense sparkle, and is ideal for people who want something quite different from other cut styles. It can be used as rings, earrings, and pendants.

  • Portuguese Cut

This is one of the most unique and recognizable cut styles, with a vintage appearance that features a stepped pyramid and a flat top. Thanks to its classic and timeless look, it has become increasingly popular in recent years. This type of cuts are mostly used for aquamarines and emeralds, as well as sapphires and rubies.

The major benefit of the Portuguese cut is its ability to improve the beauty and brilliance of gemstones. Its step angles allow a high amount of light to pass through the gemstone and create a captivating, dazzling effect.

Process of Cutting and Polishing Gemstones

These are the several steps involved in cutting and polishing gemstones:

  • Planning: The gemstone is firstly examined to determine the most suitable cutting style. The properties of the stone together with its color, carat weight, and clarity will be critically examined.
  • Cleaving or Sawing: In cases where the rough gemstone is in a big size, it will be cleaved or sawed into tiny pieces to simplify subsequent cutting and shaping.
  • Shaping: The shaping of the gemstone is done using various techniques, such as grinding and cutting. Excess parts are carefully removed to create the desired shape, such as emerald cut, brilliant cut, or princess cut.
  • Faceting: This has to do with cutting precise flat surfaces onto the gemstones. These surfaces are strategically arranged to maximize the gemstone’s beauty, brilliance, and light dispersion. Facet numbers, sizes, and angles vary depending on the gemstone and cutting style.
  • Pre-Polishing: The gemstones undergo a pre-polishing stage where finer abrasives are used to smooth the surfaces and remove scratches.
  • Polishing: Involves polishing the gemstones to have a higher luster, bringing out its maximum brilliance, clarity, and reflective characteristics.
  • Final Inspection: After the polishing is completed, the gemstones are thoroughly inspected under different lighting conditions to confirm their symmetry, proportion, and overall quality.

How to Ensure Maximum Brilliance

To ensure that a gemstone has optimal brilliance, several factors must be considered. They include:

  • Proportion: The proportions of the gemstone design, like the crown height and pavilion depth must be carefully calculated to maximize light reflection, refraction, and dispersion.
  • Symmetry: The symmetry determines how the light within the gemstone will reflect and refract. Hence, it must be aligned precisely.
  • Polish Quality: A properly polished gemstone with excellent surface smoothness and shine will maximize light reflection, resulting in a beautiful and attractive appearance.

Cutting Shapes that Are of Special Effects

While there are many types of gemstone cuts, there are some that add special effects to the look of the stones, such as:

  • Brilliant cuts can be used to make diamonds have unmatched sparkle and shine.
  • Rose cut design creates a vintage and romantic look with a subtle shine of light.
  • Radiant cut is used for fancy-colored gemstones like diamonds and sapphires to give a balance of brilliance and harmony.
  • Scissor cut makes dark gemstones appear deeper and bolder with an intense sparkle.
  • The Portuguese cut features a stepped pyramid and a flat top that allows maximum amount of light to pass through and create a dazzling effect.

Grading and Certification

Key factors to be discussed are famous certifications for gemstones, grading processes and scales, as well as the importance of certification.

Popular Gemstone Certifications

Gemstone certifications are essential documents that ascertain the quality assurance and authenticity of natural stones. They are issued by reputable gemological labs to provide customers about the value assessment of gemstones.

Here are some of the famous certifications for gemstones. Each of them have distinct grading standards and protocols, so you should understand the specific criteria cited by the gemological lab.

  • Gemological Institute of America (GIA): This certification provides assurance for diamonds and colored gemstones. It includes detailed information about the gemstone’s properties, quality grades, and the treatments, shaping, and enhancement it may have gone through.
  • American Gemological Laboratories (AGL): This laboratory certification is popularly known for its expert view on colored gemstones identification and grading. It includes detailed information about the origin, quality, and treatment information of gemstones.
  • International Gemological Institute (IGI): This certification provides detailed information about the overall assurance of diamonds, colored gemstones, and jewelry. It gives a brief on the gemstone quality, including the 4Cs (color, cut, carat weight, and clarity), and the treatments it has undergone.
  • Gemological Institute of Thailand (GIT): This certification is issued to specialize and approve the authenticity of colored gemstones. It contains a detailed report about the gemstone’s origin, identity, and quality.
  • Gubelin Gem Laboratory: This is a highly-rated lab known for its expertise in analyzing and issuing out certifications for colored gemstones. It includes detailed information about all the information customers and jewelers need to know, such as the origin, quality, and treatment.
  • Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS): This certification is issued by a prominent and respected gemological laboratory in Thailand. It includes quality assurance for diamonds and colored gemstones, with detailed reports about their origin, characteristics, and treatments.
  • Swiss Gemological Institute (SSEF): This certification is issued by a renowned laboratory in Switzerland. It contains the proper analysis and assurance of colored gemstones, especially precious gemstones like diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald. Information provided include origin, properties, and treatments.

Grading Processes

The authenticity of gemstones is usually based on 4Cs, which are color, cut, carat weight, and clarity.

  • Color: Ordinarily, gemstones are first valued by their hue (the dominant color), tone (lightness or darkness of the color), and saturation (the purity of the color).
  • Cut: The shape and facet of the gemstones also says a lot about the grade level. A good gem cut maximizes its brilliance, sparkle, and fire.
  • Carat Weight: Gemstones are weighed to ascertain their carat weight. In most cases, larger gemstones have higher value, but on rare occasions, it is not so. Hence why they need to be weighed.
  • Clarity: Refers to the presence of internal inclusions in the gemstones or external blemishes. Stones with lesser internal inclusions and external blemishes are valued as higher grade.

Importance of Certification

The benefits contributed by certifications in the gemstone world is greatly beneficial to both buyers and sellers. Here are the major importance of gemstone certifications:

  • Authenticity and Confidence: Getting assurance from reputable gemological laboratories certifies the identity, quality, and genuineness of gemstones. Certifications specify the gemstones are natural and not synthetic.
  • Grading Assessment: Certifications provide comprehensive information about the grade scales of gemstones, such as the color, cut, carat weight, and clarity. This helps buyers to understand the characteristics of each gemstone to make an informed decision.
  • Transparency and Integrity: Certifications disclose if the gemstones have undergone any treatment or enhancement, making buyers know the possible effects it could have on the stones quality.
  • Resale Value: Certified gemstones are valued more as they are backed up to be authentic by reputable gemological institutions. This contributes to the credibility and value of the gemstones when reselling.
  • Insurance and Documentation: Certifications serve as a means for insurance organizations to properly evaluate the value of gemstones. This helps in compensation when a gemstone is stolen or damaged.

Designing and Crafting

Key factors to be discussed are how jewelry designers use gemstones for artwork, the elements of a high-quality piece of gemstone jewelry, and the process of creating a custom-designed piece of gemstone jewelry.

How Jewelry Designers Use Gemstones for Their Artwork

Because of the natural brilliance and outstanding beauty of gemstones, jewelry designers integrate them into their artwork. This is usually done in so many ways; it depends on individual creativity and initiative.

Here are some of the most popular ways:

  • Centerpieces: Gemstones are often used as the focal point for jewelry. Designers choose shiny and beautiful gemstones that possess exceptional clarity and captivating colors to become the centerpiece of a jewelry. Gemstones that give the best centerpiece effect are diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, topaz, zircon, and some other semi-precious stones.
  • Accent Stones: This entails incorporating smaller gemstones to serve as accent stones to boost the overall look of a jewelry. These gemstones are used to complement the centerpiece and add more sparkle for better aesthetic appeal. They can be used for rings, pendants, and bracelets.
  • Color palette: Gemstones that have more than one color, such as emerald, tourmaline, and tanzanite, are used to explore various color combinations. This helps designers to create a unique color palette for jewelry.

Elements of a High-quality Piece of Gemstone Jewelry

These are the attributes that a high-quality piece of gemstone jewelry should possess:

  • Gemstone Quality: The gemstone’s grading must be high i.e., the color, cut, carat weight, and clarity must be exceptional. Only high-quality gemstones with vibrant colors, great shape and weight, as well as excellent transparency should be used.
  • Metal Quality: The choice of metal, such as gold, silver, or rhodium-plate used for the jewelry impacts the overall quality of the piece. The option chosen should be durable and resistant to tarnish.
  • Qualified Craftsmanship: The competency of the designer constitutes largely to the quality of the gemstone jewelry piece. A professional will pay attention to precise and intricate details, secure stone settings, and ensure smooth, well-polished surfaces.
  • Design and Aesthetics: A high-quality gemstone jewelry piece should showcase a proper design that balances aesthetics, functionality, and durability. The piece design should be visually appealing, well-structured, and comfortable to wear.

Process of Creating a Custom-designed Piece of Gemstone Jewelry

Creating a custom-designed gemstone jewelry involves following a list of procedures, which includes:

  • Consultation and Design: It begins with communicating with the client to discuss his/her preferences, ideas, budget, and any other specifications. Following the consultation, appropriate design is made and shown to the client for approval and possible corrections.
  • Gemstone Selection: The client chooses his/her preferred gemstone and the designer can assist with selection. Proper guidance should be given on the gemstones characteristics and how they align with the proposed design.
  • Metal Selection: The next step is to choose the most suitable metal, be it gold, silver, rhodium-plate, etc. Factors like the color, durability, and compatibility of the selected gemstone should be considered.
  • Fabrication: The jewelry designer begins the fabrication process. The metal is configured according to the proposed design and the gemstone to be incorporated.
  • Finishing and Polishing: Once the metal and gemstone are fabricated to the design, the jewelry is put through a meticulous finishing process. This includes polishing the piece to have a smooth surface, remove imperfections, and achieve a lustrous finish.

Sales and Distribution

Key factors to be discussed are the different types of retailers and marketplaces that deal in gemstones, how to evaluate the price and quality of gemstone jewelry, as well as the different types of gemstone jewelry collections and trends.

Retailers and Marketplaces that Deal in Gemstones

Below are the common retailers and marketplaces that deal in gemstones:

  • Auction Houses: Established auction houses sometimes hold auctions that involve only the trade of gemstones, where collectors and enthusiasts are present to bid.
  • Estate Sales and Antique Shops: These stores sometimes serve as treasure troves for vintage and rare pieces of gemstones. They deal in one-of-a-kind gemstones that have historical significance.
  • Gem and Mineral Expos: Gem and mineral trade shows bring together dealers, collectors, and enthusiasts to display and sell gemstones. This is an avenue to see numerous types of gemstones, learn about their properties, and interact with knowledgeable vendors.

How to Evaluate the Price and Quality of Gemstone Jewelry

It’s important to evaluate the price and quality of gemstone jewelry to know if they are authentic and rightly valued. This are a list of factors that can be used for the evaluation:

  • Gemstone quality
  • Metal quality
  • Craftsmanship
  • Certifications

Different Types of Gemstone Jewelry Collections and Trends

Following the fascinating journey of gemstone jewelry, there are various collections and trends circulating the industry. They are influenced by fashion, cultural shifts, and individual preferences.

  • Birthday Gemstone Jewelry: This is a popular trend, with collections dedicated to each month’s birthday. These gemstone jewelry can also be used to commemorate special occasions like wedding anniversary.
  • Nature-inspired Gemstone Jewelry: This collection and trend is inspired by the beauty of the natural world. These gemstone jewelry feature designs that have elements like flowers, leaves, organic shapes, as well as using gemstones to replicate the colors and textures of nature.
  • Vintage and Retro Gemstone Jewelry: This collection and trend takes inspiration from various historical times. They recreate the charm and beauty of the past, while incorporating unique gemstone cuts.
  • Minimalist and Delicate Gemstone Jewelry: This is a popular trend often promoted by ladies who prefer reserved elegance. These gemstone jewelry feature delicate designs with small gemstones that offer simplicity and subtle sophistication.
  • Custom and Personalized Gemstone Jewelry: This collection and trend has to do with individuals creating customized pieces that showcase their personal style and preference.


The journey of natural gemstones from the depths of the earth to becoming elegant jewelry is an evidence of the beauty and wonder embedded in the world. The gemstone passes through different stages to be incorporated in jewelry designs. Firstly, they are mined from the earth, sorted and cleaned, cut and polished, graded and certified, before they are crafted into jewelry.


What is the Difference between Natural and Synthetic Gemstones?

Natural gemstones are formed organically within the earth’s crust through geological processes. On the other hand, synthetic gemstones are man-made. They are formed in laboratories using various methods that copy the natural process.

How Can You Tell If a Gemstone is Authentic?

Basic ways to authenticate a gemstone is to consider the physical properties like hardness, refractive index, and specific gravity. Another is the gemstone certification, which provides documented evidence of the stone’s quality and origin.

Are Gemstones Ethical and Environmentally-friendly to Mine?

The ethical and environmental effects of gemstones mining are dependent on the methods used. Some mining methods adhere to strict standards, which are ethical and environmentally-friendly, while others involve practices that contribute to poor working conditions and environmental degradation.

What is the Most Expensive Type of Gemstone?

Precious gemstones, which consist of diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald are usually expensive. But the most expensive are the rare and sought-after pink diamonds.

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