Sorted Out: Birthstones by Month, Color, and Zodiac

In this article:

Birthstones are interpreted in so many ways, month of birth, color, or zodiac sign. These natural stones are believed to help you express your personality, and also give other people a glimpse of who you are. Asides this, they serve as thoughtful gifts, and are as well believed to be magical.

Birthstones with their Respective Months
Birthstones with their Respective Months

Below are the different types of birthstones according to their respective months, colors, and zodiac signs.

MonthZodiac SignBirthstoneColor
JanuaryCapricorn / AquariusGarnetRed, Brown
FebruaryAquarius / PiscesAmethystPurple
MarchPisces / AriesAquamarineLight Blue
AprilAries / TaurusDiamondClear/White
MayTaurus / GeminiEmeraldGreen
JuneGemini / CancerPearlWhite
JulyCancer / LeoRubyRed
AugustLeo / VirgoPeridotLight Green
SeptemberVirgo / LibraSapphireBlue
OctoberLibra / ScorpioOpalMulti-Color
NovemberScorpio / SagittariusTopaz or CitrineYellow
DecemberSagittarius / CapricornTurquoise or Blue TopazBlue/Green

The History and Origin of Birthstone

The history and origin of birthstone can be traced to religion, magical symbolism, and medicinal applications. But the very first discovery was in the ancient days in Israel when “Aaron the Priest” wore a breastplate that was filled with twelve gemstones, which served as a representation of the 12 tribes of Israel. The names of the twelve tribes were engraved on the stones (each tribe to a stone). It became a tradition for Christians to wear the gemstones, as they were believed to have miraculous power.

Breastplate Containing the 12 Gemstones
Breastplate Containing the 12 Gemstones

But with time, each person started wearing only one stone based on the one that was believed to have more power. This transcended into everyone believing that their preferred gemstone was magical, medicinal, and could give clarity in moments of confusion. This eventually resulted in associating the stones with birth months (January to December).

In 1912, the gemstones were standardized and grouped into different months by the National Association of Jewelers in the United States. Astrologers also attribute the stones to mean different zodiac signs.

Why is Birthstone So Important?

Wearing your month stone is very important as it’s believed to bring you good fortune and make you discover and express who you are more. Below are 3 other reasons why your birthstone is so important:

  • Healing and Meditation: Birthstones are said to direct the energy of the earth to you, releasing every illness and blockage in your physical, spiritual, and mental life.
  • Protection: Birthstones are said to have a very strong spiritual connection that serves as protection between you and loved ones.
  • Improves Fashion: Birthstones are very colorful and can add more elegance to any outfit. They serve as a means to establish a stronger connection to nature’s beauty.

Is Birthstone Good for an Engagement Ring?

Yes, a birthstone is very good for an engagement ring. It is such a thoughtful and incredible way to celebrate your spouse. Birthstone adds an extra touch of meaning, significance, and beauty to the engagement ring.


Birthstones are 12 gemstones with distinct properties and symbolism. In this post, we’ve grouped them into months of birth, colors, and zodiac signs.

Picture of Peggey Cheung
Peggey Cheung
At work, co-founder of Tulipiece. Off work, marketing enthusiast and a certified maniac for fashion trends. With years of experience working in the jewelry workshop, she prides herself on knowing and selling the products well. She loves discovering what the market and people are curious about.

Tulipiece provides you with affordable premium jewelry.

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